Who Are We?
Wesleyan University has long been a leader in undergraduate Film Studies. Since the 1960s, scholars in both the humanities and the social sciences have recognized cinema as the most important of the new forms of art developed in the 20th century–one which has had a profound and pervasive effect on all of modern culture. The growth of Film Studies as an academic discipline testifies to the importance of examining film not just as a cultural artifact, but also as an influential art form and an industry of global significance.

A Holistic Study of Film
The model of scholarship in the Wesleyan Film Studies Department is in the liberal arts tradition of wedding history and theory with practice. All film majors study the motion picture in a unified manner, combining historical, formal, and cultural analysis with filmmaking at beginning and advanced levels in 16mm film, digital video, and virtual formats. A unique emphasis on the study of the medium, its industry, aesthetics, and technology distinguishes Film Studies courses from classes in other departments that approach film as a cultural text.
State of the Art Cinema
The Center for Film Studies is home to the Rick Nicita Gallery, two state-of-the-art cinemas, and the student-run Wesleyan Film Series, which provides four nights of eclectic programming every week during the semester. As the hub of moving-image culture on campus, the Center draws over 14,000 visitors to our events each year.
Contact Info
45 Wyllys Ave, Middletown, CT 06459
Phone: (860) 685-2000
Email: admission@wesleyan.edu